Sweet Recipes

Golden Sweet Potato Cake

By 11/02/2021 January 17th, 2024 No Comments

Recipe by Fatimata, W’one Pâtisserie @wone.patisserie

Product La Main Noire: Golden Paste

Preparation time : 45 min

Quantity : 6 pieces


For the Cake

  • Orange Sweet Potato – 400g – for 250g of cooked flesh
  • Whipped Butter – 100g
  • Eggs – 2 or 100g
  • Brown Sugar – 100g
  • Flour T55 – 150g
  • Yeast – 5g
  • Wallnuts
  • Golden Paste – 1 teaspoon
  • Nutmeg


For the Glaze

  • White Chocolate – 100g
  • Liquid Cream – 50ml
  • Golden Paste – 1 teaspoon
  1. After washing the sweet potato, cut in half longways and roast in the oven for 30 mins at around 180 degrees (or until it is very tender)
  2. Peal and remove the flesh from the sweet potato – add to the whipped butter and whip again until homogenous
  3. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar and then add into the whipped butter mixture
  4. Incorporate the yeast and flour into the mixture with a spatula
  5. To finish, add the chopped wallnuts, 1 teaspoon of golden paste and a touch of nutmeg – mix until homogenous
  6. Add to a cake tin and cook for around 30 mins in an oven pre-heated to 180 degrees
  7. Let cool down before removing from the cake tin and adding the glaze
  8. For the glaze, melt the white chocolate on top of a hot water bath while you bring the liquid cream to the boil.
  9. Pour the cream over the white chocolate in 3 phases, mixing in between each one until a homogenous texture. The add the teaspoon of golden paste and mix again
  10. Pour the glaze over the cake and let cool down in the fridge.