
Pumpkin Chai Latte

By 27/10/2023 January 16th, 2024 No Comments
Pumpkin Chai

Pumpkin Chai recipe:

2Kg Butternut: Cut the butternut in half/lengthwise. Leave the seeds in, as they feed the pumpkin flesh during cooking.
Roast at 180°c until tender.
Remove seeds with a spoon.
Remove the pumpkin flesh and blend with a hand blender, food processor or food mill to a fine purée (you can strain it through a chinois étamine for a smoother result).

Any type of squash will do! However, we prefer and recommend butternut, as it’s sweeter and more delicious. But you could just as easily use pumpkin or cucumber, for example.

For the latte à la minute :

Add 10g Sticky Chai to your pan
Add 30g pumpkin purée.
Then 300ml milk of your choice
Heat without boiling
Strain and pour your Pumpkin Chai Latte directly into your cup.


A little tip: to save time, you can use the 24-hour cold brew Sticky Chai preparation in advance (the recipe is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUyT_i8M8hs&list=PLOBp1DkWtco5K6LKgkA6ex6JU8hNmhgGi&index=1 ) and mix your cold brew chai directly with the puree in your milk jug using the steam nozzle 😉


And voila, your Pumpkin Chai Latte is ready!