Check out our recipe of Green Mantou 馒头, steamed Chinese buns. Fluffy, soft and light.
The recipe is also suitable for other Pastes.
La Main Noire product used : Green Paste
- 500g T55 wheat flour
- 250g milk
- 75g butter
- 80g sugar
- 5g salt
- 20g baker’s yeast
- 10g baking powder
- 60g Green Paste
Preparation :
- Mix all the ingredients together except the Green Paste.
- Knead for 10 minutes.
- Separate the dough in two. Keep one half without Green paste.
- Incorporate 60g of Green Paste directly into the other half of the dough. Don’t forget to take the Green Paste out beforehand and leave it at room temperature to make the work easier.
- Roll out the two doughs.
- Lightly moisten one side of your dough and place the two doughs together. The water will help the two doughs to stick together.
- Roll out the dough and cut out Mantou about 6 cm thick.
- Leave to rest.
- Steam for 15 minutes.
Enjoy ! You can accompany it with a little Green Paste custard to play it green all the way to the end of the roll 🙂 !
It’s your turn to roll !