Sweet Recipes

Sticky Chai Cake by W’one Pâtisserie

By 11/02/2021 January 17th, 2024 No Comments

Recipe by Fatimata, W’one Pâtisserie @wone.patisserie

Product La Main Noire: Sticky Chai

Preparation time : 1 hour

Quantity : 8 pieces

  • For the Cake
  • Egg Whites (4) – 120g
  • White Sugar – 50g
  • Whipped Butter – 200g
  • White Sugar – 130g
  • Egg Yolks (4) – 80g
  • Whole Egg – 1
  • Milk – 60ml
  • Sticky Chai– 5g – around one tea spoon
  • Masala Powder – 5g – around 1 tea spoon
  • Maizena – 120g
  • Flour – 130g
  • Yeast – 8g

For the Glaze

  1. Cold Liquid Cream – 200ml
  2. Icing Sugar – 30g
  3. Masala Powder – 5g
  1. Put Sticky chai into the milk and bring to the boil – set aside and let infuse
  2. With a Kitchen Aid, whip the egg whites with 50g of white sugar – The final texture should not be too firm – Put aside in the fridge, this will be used at the end of the recipe
  3. Whip the butter with the white sugar for 2 – 3 minutes to incorporate more air into the butter.
  4. Add progressively (while the butter is still being whipped) the whole egg, egg yolks and the infused milk
  5. Incorporate the maizena, flour and yeast into the preparation
  6. Without the kitchen aid, add the egg whites gradually into the dough with a spatula – Stop once the texture is homogenous
  7. Put the batter into a cake tin (buttered and sugared) and cook for around 40 mins in an oven preheated to 180 degrees
  8. Let the cake cool before removing from the cake tin
  9. With a kitchen aid, whip the liquid cream with the powder and sugar until desired texture