We made this concentrated water ice cubes with our Golden Paste, you can adapt it and use the Green Paste.
For the Black Paste, Raw Cacao Paste or Spiced Raw Cacao Paste. We recommend using vegetable milk or cow’s milk.
Product La Main Noire : Golden Paste, Green Paste, Black Paste, Raw Cacao Paste, Spiced Raw Cacao Paste
Preparation time : 10 min
Ingredients for the Golden Paste ice cubes
- 125 g Golden Paste
- 450 ml hot water
Ingredients for the Black Paste or Green Paste ice cubes
- 125 g Black Paste or Green Paste
- 375 g hot water for Green Paste
- 375 g hot milk for Black Paste
Ingredients for the Raw Cacao Paste or Spiced Raw Cacao Paste ice cubes
- 125 g Raw Cacao Paste or Spiced Raw Cacao Paste
- 125g of hot milk
- Dilute the amount of Paste indicated above in the recommended amount of water or milk. To facilitate the dilution, we recommend you to dilute the Paste in a little water or milk and to add the rest after.
- Mix well.
- Pour your preparation in an ice cube tray and put in the freezer.
You can use these ice cubes in water, tonic, lemonade or to make refreshing smoothies or put them in your favorite fruit juice!